Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus ........................Latin "Learn as if always going to live; live as if tomorrow going to die."
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
DUBAI Lilypad Floating City
DUBAI Lilypad Floating City Architectural Concept: Lilypad Floating City Water CityBy now, most of us have heard about the Island Cities being built in Dubai , but Inhabitat has just done a feature on a new concept by artist Vincent Callebaut for a self-sufficient floating city that will never have to face a problem about finding land to build on. The "Lilypad" would take advantage of all of today's green technologies, including generating power from the sun, wind and water, and would produce zero emissions from its residents. Don't expect to see construction on one of these anytime soon, but don't be surprised if, like the Island Cities in Dubai , real estate starts branching out into the oceans in the next decade. |
Rebut nama E-mel yang telah lama anda kehendaki sebelum orang lain mendapatkannya!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
40 tip mudah
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Berikut diberikan lokasi-lokasi pemasangan sistem baru perangkap hadlaju yang telah dipasang oleh pihak PDRM:
### PLUS Arah Utara
■Under a bridge at about 456km, Sg Buloh junction.
■Under a bridge at about 459km, Bukit Lanjan interchange.
■Under the overhead restaurant at Sg Buloh.
■Under the last bridge before Sg Besi toll at 309.2km.
■Under the bridge at 296.5km, Bangi junction.
■Under the newly constructed bridge at 289.0km, after Nilai North junction.
■Under the bridge at 286.5km, Nilai North junction.
### PLUS Arah Selatan
■Below signboard at about 454.6km and 455.2km, Sg Buloh layby.
■Under the bridge after Subang junction at 11.3km.
■Under the bridge at 22km, Bukit Lanjan junction.
■Under the bridge before Mint hotel, Sg Besi Toll. 80km/h only!
■Under the bridge at 302.8km, Kajang junction.
■About 1km south of Bangi junction, both south and north bound outer lanes
■At 296.5km and 297km, Bangi junction.
■Under the newly constructed bridge at 289.0km, before Nilai North junction.
■At 285.5km and 285.8km, Nilai North junction.
■On center divider at 251.8km and 253km after Senawang junction.
■After Alor Gajah junction at 213.9km, next to water theme park.
■Behind the right hand crash barrier at 198.4km.
### Lebuhraya Elite Hubungan Timur Tengah/Utara
■On left hand side at 4.8km after Batu Tiga/Shah Alam exit
■Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!
■Below the bridge before USJ/Hicom junction at 10.5km.
### Lebuhraya Elite Hubungan Barat Tengah/Selatan
■Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!
■Below the bridge before USJ/Hicom junction at 10.5km.
■After exit from KLIA toll to the airport, below Jalan Pekeliling flyover.90km/h
### NKVE Arah Timur/Utara
■300m before Jalan Duta toll, 60km/h!
■Behind crash barrier on the left when going towards Jalan Duta toll, at 24.9km, 80km/h!
■Below bridge at Damansara Junction, 17.5km
### NKVE Arah Barat/Selatan
■Behind crash barrier on the left when leaving Jalan Duta toll from KL, at 25.3km and 25.7km, 80km/h!
■From Jln Duta, below the bridge, 23km, 80km/h zone!
■From Jln Duta, at the underpass at Sg Buloh Y-junction, 22km.
■Behind crash barrier at Damansara Junction, 17.7km and 16.8km
■Below railway bridge at 11.2km
■Under the bridge at Shah Alam junction.
### Lebuhraya Kesas Timur
■Under the bridge at 44.8km, downhill run after Puchong junction.
■Kesas West Bound
■At Sg Besi side of East Bound Toll. Kuala LumpurCity
■Jalan Duta; below the flyover at the Damansara junction, 70km/h zone.
Lebuhraya Kesa – Klang
■Dual carriageway between Klang and Port Klang. Towards Klang direction, at about 13km mile stone. 70km/h only!
### Leburaya Pantai Timur
■East bound, downhill run after Raub junction.
■Maran, 60km/h zone.
■Paya Bungor, 70km/h zone.
### Kawasan Negeri Johor Arah Selatan
■Tangkak junction.
■Under the bridge after Yong Peng
■North junction at 97.3km.
■Ayer Hitam junction.
■Sedenak junction.
### Jalanraya Sekitar Utara
■Around Ayer Hitam in 60km/h zone.
■Before Perwaja Steel.
■Sg Petani junction.
■Between Seberang Jaya junction and Sg Dua Toll.
### Jalanraya Sekitar Utara
■About 2km before Juru Toll Speed limit 90km/h.
### Kawasan Perak Jalanraya Arah Utara
■Under the bridge at 197.1km and 198.8km, afterKamunting Junction.
■Under the bridge at 204.3km, after KamuntingJunction.
■Under the bridge at 208km, before Kamunting Junction.
■Under the bridge at 214.8km, before Kamuntingjunction.
■Under the bridge at 271km, Ipoh North Junction.
■Under the bridge at 274.4km, Ipoh South Junction.
■Under the bridge at 286.9km, Simpang Pulai Junction.
■Under the bridge at 296km, Gopeng Junction.
■Under the bridge at 352.6km, after Sungkai Junction.
■Under the bridge at 353km, Sungkai Junction.
■Under the bridge at 373km, Slim River Junction.
### Kawasan Perak Arah Selatan
■Under the bridge at 199km, before Kamunting junction.
■Under the bridge at 241.9km, at Kalau Kangsarjunction.
■Under the sign post at 296.1km, before GopengJunction.
■Under the bridge at 297km, at Gopeng Junction.
■Under the bridge at 300km, after Gopeng junction.
■Under the bridge at 308.6km, after Gopeng junction.
■Under the bridge at 372.6km, at SlimRiverjunction
Disaman Kerana Tampal Sticker UAI
Disaman Kerana Tampal Sticker Ust Azhar Idrus
Ia benar2 berlaku di malaysia bahkan telah ada individu yang disaman disebabkan menampal sticker ustaz azhar idrus. Ia berlaku di UiTM dan hanya di UiTM.Lihatlah sendiri penyata saman diatas...